Integration - React

This integration implements a React component which allows you to use TinyCarousel along with its whole plugin ecosystem.

To learn on how to install and use plugin, please see our usage guide or look into an example React app in the Tiny Carousel React repositoryopen in new window.

Global API


  • Arguments:

    Same as carousel.use.

  • Returns: [plugin: PluginDefinition, options: PluginOptions]

  • Usage:

    Method used to properly format plugin configuration array before passing it to the TinyCarousel component. Add stricter TypeScript typings. Second argument (option) is dependent on the plugin you`re trying to use.



  • Props:

    • {string} tag = "ul"
    • {string} className
    • {PluginsProp} plugins = []
    • {Config} config
    • {ReactNode} children
    • {function} [eventCallbackName] (e.g. onAfterEventInit)
  • Events:

    To add event emission you need to use Plugin Custom Events.

    All custom events can be handled with use of prop passed directly on the TinyCarousel component element. The name of prop follows the pattern on{TIMING}Event{EVENT_NAME} where TIMING and EVENT_NAME are taken from one of the TinyCarousel events. An example, so specify listener for after:init event, you should pass a callback as a value of the onAfterEventInit prop. For examples, have a look in a guide.

  • Details:

    Component added by React integration. Creates single TinyCarousel instance with tag name, plugins and configuration passed as a props. Change of the slotted children or any of the props would lead to TinyCarousel’s reinitialization.

    Additional API can be reached by using refopen in new window as can be seen in the exampleopen in new window.



  • Details:

    Data type describing TinyCarousel reference. Use it to add the proper type to the carousel ref.
